Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Trusting Him

There are so many reasons I love being a stay at home mom but one of my favorites it the fact that we now can have so much fun exploring together. I love watching her see, feel and touch things for the first time. She lately has started pointing at things and I find it so cute!

This morning as we were out on our "car riding walk" which is really me pushing her in her little red car from Nana around our yard we spotted a robin using our nest to make her nest. 

Seeing things like this really do just make me stop, be still and watch. There's nothing that signifies spring like a mother bird making her nest. Watching her fly away and gather twigs and pieces of grass made me remember a year ago how we were desperately trying to find a place to make our nest before Pippa made her arrival.

Pippa will be a year in a matter of weeks and around this time last year I was feeling very different and so we're my overly-sized swollen feet due to pregnancy. 

Very Ready to pop! 

 Thinking back it was a very stressful time. With an unexpected job change while I could deliver at anytime was enough to make any lady go into labor! :) I remember ladies asking me if the nursery was ready and I would just laugh because I would be happy to just have a room called the nursery! By the way, all you need is diapers, milk and a magical sleeping swing found at target from your grandma and you can make it anywhere! Oh and maybe a onsie...or two or ten and a washing machine...yeah that would be nice to have. :)

God had a plan in all of it and I am so thankful that even then we could trust that His ways were indeed higher than our ways. You see many times in our lives it's not usually until we are in the midst of crazy circumstances do we GET the privilege of learning to trust Him.

I remember many people telling me "bless your heart" during our time of readjustment and I was tempted many many many times to get very down but Josh and I had to choose to put our trust in the one who was greater than what we knew. 

I now tell people that if God could help us find a job, get moved, have a baby all at the same time then well we will never question his provision! Many times when we begin to panic about teeny problems we remind each other that God is in control.

Almost a year later and I never understood the blessing that having Pippa would bring. 
Pippa with her tree we planted last fall.

Girl loves sunshine!

Notice Annie chillin in the back!

I think when she's 16 I should explain to her that driving with your feet isn't safe..

God is so good to us and I don't know why we ever doubt His goodness.

How long has it been since you have been forced to trust Him with a situation? I challenge you to see your circumstances from God's perspective and use it to grow! I can testify that not only is He good but that He cares and He loves us. Worship Him through simple trust in His unfailing love. 

Trust in the Lord with all thine heart and lean not on thy own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your path. Proverbs 3:5-6 


  1. I really needed to hear this today...I have forgotten to take things in lately and to remember how much He has done for us and instead gotten lose in chaos.

    PS love the pics--too cute!!

    1. I think it's easy for us all to dwell on present and forget His goodness in the past, but the past is my encouragement for the present and future! Keep going! Love ya
