Friday, May 31, 2013

A Birthday Visit from Grandma and Grandpa

Last weekend Josh's parents came in to celebrate Pippa's birthday. It was such a short visit but a good one as always.
Little outfit from great grandma

This adorable outfit was made by Pippa's grandma. Isn't it so cute!

They tried to take Pippa with them when they left...

Birthday cupcake

Another adorable dress made by grandma :)

She is such a smarty in grandma's glasses.

Her grandpa made her an upright toy bin. I love it and Pippa loves digging through that bottom bin!

Monday, May 20, 2013

Pippa's 1 year Party at Nana and Pawpaws

As usual after about 6 hours of driving I am through and our 8 hour trip was no exception! When we finally arrived at Nana and Pawpaw's we were all ready to get out of the car and she was all into her presents!

Hudson's gifts to Pippa were so cute! 

I want this coat in my size...

Pippa loved this rocking chair that Cindy and I both used when we were little. I think it made her feel like a big girl.

Waiting for her party on Saturday...
Favor perennial plants for our guests!

still waiting..

I think at times she felt like a celebrity...
Tes even came over! They are less than 24 hours apart :)
Yummy tootsie rolls in baby jars for favors.

Nana and Pawpaw had to help her figure out this cake thing..

It was such a fun day and weekend and I am so thankful to everyone that made it so special!

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Happy Birthday Pippa!

I can't believe my baby has become a little girl in one year. I never imagined how much she would change and develop over 12 months! We are very proud of her recent accomplishments like getting teeth, saying "ut oh" when she drops something and walking before one! 
She is such a big girl. Where has the time gone?  
Josh and I have so enjoyed watching her little personality evolve. 

those lips!

My how she has grown...

In some ways she looks so different and in others she still looks the same to me. Love that little nose!

She did great for her One year photo shoot!
We couldn't keep her from walking long enough to snap pictures. She was everywhere!

She currently is really into giving the pity laugh when we say something we think is funny. She just looks and laughs "ah haha" as if saying "you think you're so funny mommy and daddy!". 

I love that Pippa can wear my baby shoes!

These letters fascinated her and the rocks below also did...
God has blessed us with an amazing energetic little girl.  I have treasured every moment and will continue to cherish all her moment's in life. She is such a gift!