Saturday, November 30, 2013

Advent Calendar 2013

I thought last year was fun seeing Pippa's face as she saw all the Christmas glam for the first time but this year is even more fun! I love to hear her say "oooohh!" when she see's lights or a tree. This year I was feeling extra excited about getting my Christmas tree up and so after talking it over with my sister, we agreed that we were going to put our trees up extra beginning of November early. Every time we go to plug our tree in Pippa counts "uhn..tew..tree" and I just love that.

With all the emphases from the world on the lights, trees and gifts we are trying to look for ways that our family can make sure Christ's birth is emphasized way more than just the sparkle and wonder of the Christmas "stuff". Even thought Pippa is still only 18 months I want to begin teaching her from an early age the importance of JESUS.

I went super simple with my advent calendar due the fact that Pippa can't grasp the meaning of trinkets or Bible verses. I guess in a way this advent calendar is more for Josh and I. Probably by next year I will get a little more elaborate as far as having trinkets for Pippa to open and remember what Bible verse and concept the day was about.

Using inspiration from this pin on I began to think how I could use a hanger for my calendar. So I grabbed one of those ugly wire hangers from the closet and gave it a little shine using gold spray paint. I'm kinda into gold this season! I used small tags from hobby lobby and then printed my own numbers using different funky fonts. On the back of the tags I put a bible verse for each day that has to do with the coming of Jesus. I used the verses from this pin. I'm super excited to begin our daily reading tomorrow!

Using hemp and bakers twin I tied the numbers to the hanger. 


Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Thankful for our Home

       I am beyond thankful for out little house when I think of all the fun that we have enjoyed here. God has been so good to us. Sometimes I wonder why He not only gives us what we need but he allows us to really enjoy all that He has blessed us with. We have now lived here 18 months :) I say 18 months because Pippa was born a few weeks before we were able to settle in here. It makes it easy for me to keep track. 

I don't know why but there is something about old homes that I just love. Sure there are quirks but that's exactly that's why I love them! When we were desperately trying to find a home before the arrival of Pippa I hoped we would find something with character. I was at that point fine with anything that had walls a roof and a door since I was about to deliver at any time but when the realtor showed us this little house in an older neighborhood my heart skipped a beat. Honesty seeing the fireplace and old telephone nook had me hooked. Josh quickly reminded me we need to make sure it had things like running water and air...but luckily it had all we needed. 

Our little house was built in 1945 and I sometimes I can only imagine all that has went on here. I'm currently in the process of trying to find out the history of it. My neighbor and her husband who has now gone to be with the Lord, built their house in 1950 and she is still living there to this day. One day when I visit her I will not only be bringing some dinner or desert but I will have a notepad and pen handy to write down as much as she can remember. I do know that several people have called this their home and I look forward to finding out more. I was informed that it was the eye sore of the street at one point. I am so thankful someone saw the gem in the rough that we now enjoy.

We've sanded, painted and made it our own but I can only help but wonder who all has made it their own. But one thing is for sure, God has provided us a comfy spot where we can relax as a family, pray and worship God. It's perfect for us and I really am truly grateful for how God has blessed us with it.

One of my favorite things that we have added is this sliding door. It's great for separating the mudroom from the kitchen and then we don't have to heat this part in the winter at night.  
Josh and I recently wrote out the title deeds to our lives and after some photoshop work, printing and framing we placed it in our living room to look at daily. All we have is His including this little house.

     The previous owner of the home informed me that Pippa's walk in closet use to be a sewing room for a lady that had the house before her. It is the perfect little room to put/throw her toys and clothes in. Sewing room or toy room I think it has been enjoyed. Finding out stories and information of those who lived here before me makes me feel like I'm watching my own little version of the history channel's popular show "If walls could talk". I cannot wait to keep finding out bits and pieces of the history of the place we call home.

Monday, September 23, 2013

Living Sacrficially

In our youth Sunday school class we have been looking at practices of the church and the practice we looked at yesterday morning was the Lord's supper. As Josh and I thought about how we could teach the kids what the Lord supper was about Mel Gibson's movie the Passion of the Christ came to mind.

I remember being 15 and in high school when I saw this movie in theaters for the first time. It's crazy to think it has been almost 10 years. I think the emotion I most experienced was shock as to catching a glimpse of what Christ personally did for me. I knew he died a brutal death on the cross but I did not understand the suffering aspect of it until it was portrayed in this movie and that in return made me thankful to the core. 

Josh and I realized quickly that this generation of youth were small children when it came out and had not seen this movie. We invited the kids to ask permission from their parents to view the movie with us last night. I think I was going into the movie having the mindset of "we're doing this for the kids" but as I sat and watched what Christ went through for me I experienced not only the emotion of shock of what Christ did for me but of remorse of how lightly I take His death.

We live in a world now that seems to be getting worse everyday, not only in terms of the worldly culture but in terms of the Church and Christianity moving towards complete comfort zone. WE have made it comfortable to live for Christ by just doing the expected things. Even I am guilty of picking a style of Christianity that best suits me. In today's Church the only sacrifice we feel we need to make is to wake up, go to church, pick your coffee flavor and sing to the music style at church that best suits you, maybe go above and beyond and bring your Bible. I have fallen into the trap of thinking that by simply obeying the commands of Jesus was true sacrifice. Up until last night I myself felt that I was sacrificing my life for Jesus by doing Christianity my way.

Growing up in ministry and then being on staff at a church currently has made it easy for me to confuse sacrifice with service. Going to church, studying God's word, praying, teaching and tithing are commands from God and that is my service. But sacrifice takes more than service. Sacrifice should never be comfortable. There was nothing comfortable about how Jesus suffered for me. In fact sacrifice should hurt me for it to be real sacrifice. I'm not talking physical, even though we should be ready for that. I mean hurt you in a way that you have to live by grace and faith to make it. God is saying to me "give me more, Amy". Don't settle for getting by or just being the above average Christian give Jesus more.

I want to seek to live sacrificially and not just get by! I pray that God will show me even today how I can not just serve Him but what I can give Him that may hurt me but bring glory to Him!

Monday, August 12, 2013

Daytona Beach Video 2013

Our annual Daytona Beach trip was good as always this year. It was so nice of Twin Oaks Baptist to provide us the funds to have a wonderful trip this year. It's hard when all of our family lives far away, so we treasure vacation time for many reasons. Usually I make a photo book of our beach trips but since Pippa was making so many discoveries this year I just had to do a video this time.

Friday, May 31, 2013

A Birthday Visit from Grandma and Grandpa

Last weekend Josh's parents came in to celebrate Pippa's birthday. It was such a short visit but a good one as always.
Little outfit from great grandma

This adorable outfit was made by Pippa's grandma. Isn't it so cute!

They tried to take Pippa with them when they left...

Birthday cupcake

Another adorable dress made by grandma :)

She is such a smarty in grandma's glasses.

Her grandpa made her an upright toy bin. I love it and Pippa loves digging through that bottom bin!

Monday, May 20, 2013

Pippa's 1 year Party at Nana and Pawpaws

As usual after about 6 hours of driving I am through and our 8 hour trip was no exception! When we finally arrived at Nana and Pawpaw's we were all ready to get out of the car and she was all into her presents!

Hudson's gifts to Pippa were so cute! 

I want this coat in my size...

Pippa loved this rocking chair that Cindy and I both used when we were little. I think it made her feel like a big girl.

Waiting for her party on Saturday...
Favor perennial plants for our guests!

still waiting..

I think at times she felt like a celebrity...
Tes even came over! They are less than 24 hours apart :)
Yummy tootsie rolls in baby jars for favors.

Nana and Pawpaw had to help her figure out this cake thing..

It was such a fun day and weekend and I am so thankful to everyone that made it so special!