Friday, December 9, 2011

Boy or Girl?

Josh and I are pleased to bring you the news....
Bring out the pink because..
We are having a girl!!

We are so thankful for this blessing and continue to pray for our girl as she grows and develops :)

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Join with me in Prayer!

Lies Young Women Believe

    The last few weeks I've really been burdened for young woman today. There is so much to deal with and try and understand in this world today and our young woman desperately more than ever NEED truth in their lives. Truth breaks chains. Truth sets us free. Truth dismisses doubts. Truth lets us see the big picture. Truth is our fuel! I'm so excited to begin with our Refuge girls this amazing study. We will begin this study in January and I can hardly wait to start it. I am asking for you to pray for our girls right now that the Lord would empower them with the ability to soak in truth and understand and be given the chance to beat the traps that almost every young girl falls into. God has a plan for these girls! It will take discipline but I know that many of these girls will be used by God greatly! Please pray with me even now for them.

All Scripture is inspired by God and is useful to teach us what is true and to make us realize what is wrong in our lives. It corrects us when we are wrong and teaches us to do what is right. 2 Timothy 3:16

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

The One Who is Invisible

In my devotions this morning I was brought back into focus about how I am to face life.  In a world filled with so many distractions it has never been easier to loose focus, especially in difficulty. The saddest thing to me is seeing believers today never experience the fullness of their relationship with the Lord. With all the soul winning strategies and quick fix salvation messages it is easy to forget to communicate that salvation does not erase difficulties but your relationship with Lord is what will cause you to rejoice in the trials! Being joyful in difficulty just doesn't make sense to our mind. But the awesome thing about difficulty is that if viewed as God views it, it will always give you a deeper more full relationship with the Lord if you allow yourself to trust in the goodness of God. Don't limit your relationship with the Lord to a one time salvation experience. Don't limit your relationship to a pass card away from hell. Experience MORE with God by daily viewing your difficulty in light of Him.
  In Hebrews 11:24-27 we read that Moses chose to leave prosperous Egypt and share in the oppression of God's people. He realized it was far better for Him to suffer for Christ than to live in the temporary worldly happiness. In verse 27 it reads "He kept right on going because he kept his eyes on the ONE who is invisible". See the difference between Moses and many believers to day is we aren't keeping our eyes on the one who is invisible. In your difficulty today, where are your eyes set? If they are set on the ONE then we have HOPE. God deeply desires for His children to take the difficulty say to Him "its in your hands and I leave it there". I can say from personal experience that I've never had a closer relationship with the Lord than when I am in difficulty. In our flesh we want to dismiss all difficulty but in my heart I know that those times are when my relationship with the Lord gets the sweetest. I challenge you today to place your difficulty in his hands and embrace that sweet relationship with the Lord and experience peace by keeping your eyes on the ONE who is invisible.

Monday, December 5, 2011

Passing Down Truth

Last year my Dad gave me probably one of the greatest gifts he could give to me. He gave me the book called "The Red Sea Rules" by Robert J. Morgan. Not only does this book contain awesome biblical principles for difficult times but Dad went through the book and underlined what sticks out to him. He wrote in the book how his relationship with the Lord has got Him through many difficult times. I know how much that book means to me and I began thinking how I was going to hand down the truth that my parents handed to me. Our tiny blessing from God is due on May 20th 2012 as of right now but I didn't want to wait until then to start doing all I could to train up our child in the way he or she should go. My biggest prayer and desire is to not only see our children come to saving faith in Jesus Christ but for them to have a desire to really experience God and have a real relationship with Him.

I recently picked up a kids devotional from our local Christian book store and have began underlining, highlighting and writing as much as I can about what the Lord has taught me in each of the topics in this devotional. Each day I receive so much Joy from reflecting on God's goodness and telling our child through this book of how great our God has been to me. I hope to get all of my family to write in this book as well of what God has done in their lives.

I don't know when the time will come to give this devotional to our child but until that time comes I have to do all I can to tell them of the wonderful God we serve! It's too good to wait until they are born, saved or older. I don't know what the future holds for our future family but I hope what I can share can encourage my children and grandchildren to be a part of that remnant that God will have in the end that has been faithful and devoted to Him.