Monday, June 27, 2011

Savior King

I can't stop singing this song! I can't get over the goodness of God. Only consecrated saints of God can understand the overwhelming desire within themselves to live in allegiance to the creator of the universe. So thankful for the sweet times of brokenness I have in my life that pulls me towards daily giving my life in total service to God. 

Forgive me dear Lord for not having time or failing to submit to serve You with every area of my life. At 4 yrs. old I said I would love you with my life, I gave you Amy, I gave you all of me. 
How could I hold back what is not mine. 
May I bring pure Honor to Your name with all of me. 

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

DO IT YOURSELF. Live Unhinged

Reading Psalm 15 this morning was humbling. I was forced to reevaluate my current attitude and behavior over the last few days. Its so easy to think, talk and act like the fault of my problems, frustrations and bad attitude has to do with other people. Almost every time I'll find something or someone else to pawn my actions on. I think "Of course, its them! not me", "The reason I'm so ticked has to to with them",  or "If they would quit acting that way then I could move on from where I'm at and have a better attitude".  The hard reality that none of us ever wants to hear is that our response to what we know as truth has NOTHING to do with other people, absolutely nothing. As a believer our attitude should not hinge on whether or not the world comes around in their behavior. Feeding off of how the world decides to treat me will never end in consecration or submission to what God says is acceptable. Honestly, how can we think that the worlds treatment of us will help us live the victorious Christian life? The power of God working in me won't come from what's going on around me, it comes from Christ IN ME giving me the desire to please Him no matter who ticks me off, who doesn't act right, who is never nice, who never puts me first,  who is selfish, who didn't speak to me, who doesn't notice me or who doesn't treat me with respect. Even if we received all those things and we're loved by everyone everyday, we ourselves would still fall short and do all of those things that frustrate us about others.

In Psalm 15 David is overwhelmed with the glory of the Lord's presence. He is made fully aware of the call to be Holy. He lists some very practical requirements of how the believer should speak and act.

Who can enter Your sanctuary Lord?

2 "Those who lead blameless lives and do what is right, speaking the truth from sincere hearts"
3 " Those who REFUSE to gossip or harm their neighbors or speak evil of their friends"
4 " Those who don't desire the company of evil behavior and honor the faithful followers of the Lord" (BTW honor = active verb, not a neat idea sometimes"
5 "Those who lend money without expecting double the profit later, and cannot be bribed to lie for selfish gain"

Such people will stand Firm Forever!

Friends, do you desire to be firm in the faith? I challenge you as I am challenging myself, that before you blame your shortcomings on others to evaluate yourself. DIY, improve your reactions and let the Holy Spirit manifest Himself through you today.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

"Mrs. Howland Loves..."

So I see all these cute ideas and can't help but share them! 
Hopefully one day I can put these in practice in my own nest :)

So here's a few starters of the many more to come 

"Mrs. Howland loves" 

Pep Rally!

If you can't face what your up against today while being aware of who defends you and who fights for you then you need the power of Jesus Christ in your life. He Himself if ENOUGH.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Misplaced Hope

Psalm 13

For the choir director: A psalm of David.
 1 O Lord, how long will you forget me? Forever?
      How long will you look the other way?
 2 How long must I struggle with anguish in my soul,
      with sorrow in my heart every day?
      How long will my enemy have the upper hand?
 3 Turn and answer me, O Lord my God!
      Restore the sparkle to my eyes, or I will die.
4 Don’t let my enemies gloat, saying, “We have defeated him!”
      Don’t let them rejoice at my downfall.
 5 But I trust in your unfailing love.
      I will rejoice because you have rescued me.
6 I will sing to the Lord
      because he is good to me.

Reading Psalm 13 this morning, I'm reminded of how easily we panic when we fail to keep our eyes on the Lord. No one could live in this world that we do without constantly being knocked down and discouraged by people and circumstances. But as a redeemed child of the maker of the universe I am not here to focus on the results of sin. Many times I babble the same words to Lord as David did in Verse 4 but what I don't realize is that I am so worried about others perception of me that I block out the encouragement of the Lords presence. It's almost as if I think that the only way the Lord can receive glory is to change my circumstances and where I'm at. The Joy of the Lord is not found in a change of things around me, in God punishing my enemies or even a realization of where I am at but in a confidence of who God is. The Lord is fully aware of where I am at even though it's hard to accept. Most likely He has put me there by HIS choosing. At the end of the psalm David's hope makes a 180. David quits putting his hope in things and puts it back in God. 

The Application for today:I will not put my hope in things, perceptions, or people but in my God. 

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Terry Covey is my Dad.

I can't even begin to express the respect I have for my Dad. I am by no means a perfect child nor anywhere close but I have a hero for a Dad. Now that I'm 21 years old I am beginning to see how awesomely blessed I am to have 2 godly parents. So many things that Dad has done and said and not done and not said has impacted my life forever. His behavior in the past and present literally affects how I live today.

1. He said he was sorry when he got upset.
2. He spanked me...with a custom made paddle.
3. He made time for family devotions before school.
4. The same TV and music rules he had for us girls applied to him and mom as well. If it was indecent for children, its was indecent for them too.
5. It didn't matter what other families did, we were held to the standard of God's word.
6. He faithfully gets up before the world each morning to study God's Word.
7. He didn't need to be recognized by man to serve God to the utmost.
8. He attended all my volleyball games.
9. He cheered me on through my hurting heart .
10. He prays for me regularly and with me over the phone.
11. There is seldom a conversation we have that does not involve what God is actively doing in both of our lives.
12. He was the parent in my childhood and now a best friend.

bonus: He called me "boojack" and "boojina". 

I am so proud to say I am Terry Covey's daughter. A Dad with a solid testimony and reputation of having a strong walk with the Lord is the greatest treasure a daughter could ever receive. 

"And the Giant Came Tumbling Down"

As I continue my study of 1 Samuel I came to the most familiar part of 1 Samuel that I've ever known. I've not only read, heard and watched this story on VHS numerous times but I've even seen it put on flannel graph. Today the Lord showed me several applications from this well known story that I can apply to my own life. I just love that! Old Testament principles and stories have meaning in our own lives here in 2011 TODAY.  

I. First David was a faithful delivery boy 

I take from 1 Sam. 17:12-18 that David was not in command of much of anything but a few sheep. He was most likely not noticed for what he did and probably not appreciated in the least. As long as the food got there the brothers were happy and they didn't want David to be near them. Caring for "the bitty little sheep" was viewed as the highest job David would ever get. 

Many times our own problems and stress are a result of feeling like we have no significance and aren't appreciated. Regardless of the task we can be like David in our areas of ministry and work. Faithful. He who does not look for praise will not be disappointed. 

II. David's hearts desire was not for his own fame 

David's courage to fight Goliath didn't just come from him feeling extra brave, or lucky. He was out to give God glory! 

1 Samuel 17:45-47

New International Version (NIV)
 45 David said to the Philistine, “You come against me with sword and spear and javelin, but I come against you in the name of the LORD Almighty, the God of the armies of Israel, whom you have defied. 46 This day the LORD will deliver you into my hands, and I’ll strike you down and cut off your head. This very day I will give the carcasses of the Philistine army to the birds and the wild animals, and the whole world will know that there is a God in Israel. 47 All those gathered here will know that it is not by sword or spear that the LORD saves; for the battle is the LORD’s, and he will give all of you into our hands.”

When we finally get to that point of not using God's glory for our personal fame, He can use us. In today's Christian realm it is getting easier and easier to use God's name to get what we want for our own personal edification. We forget that just as Saul thought no one knew his hidden motives back in chapter 16, God knew the real deal inside Him. Until we get to the point of honestly within us being more concerned with God's glory than our own, He CAN NOT use us to bring Him glory. Because the things that bring God glory are completely opposite of what we feel will. He receives the most glory in your lowest of lows when we praise Him, when we CHOOSE to say though HE slay me I will trust in Him, the glory goes to God where all our efforts should be going!